Review of the follow-up measure of the GIZ project “Inclusive and Sustainable Urban Development/Namibia”

bgh. Gauly & Volgmann supported the appraisal mission as technical lead for the design of the follow-up project “Inclusive and Sustainable Urban Development II”.

Namibia is undergoing a comprehensive and dynamic transition from a rural to an urban society. Urban growth in Namibia is taking place to a very large extent through the establishment, densification and expansion of informal settlements in which the inhabitants live without secure land rights and under deplorable conditions.

The “Inclusive and Sustainable Urban Development” project of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH supports the Ministry of Urban and Rural Development (MURD) in strengthening the urban planning capacities of cities and upgrading informal settlements in a participatory manner. As part of the multi-level approach, five partner cities are being supported in their planning efforts; the residents of informal settlements are involved in the upgrading process.

As part of an on-site mission, a follow-up measure with the working title “Inclusive and Sustainable Urban Development II” in Namibia, which aims to develop informal settlements into liveable neighborhoods, was examined together with the appraisal team. To this end, discussions were held with representatives of the various institutions and bodies at all political levels, the project cities of Windhoek, Rehoboth, Helao Nafidi and Rundu were visited, and a workshop was held with all key stakeholders at which the findings and recommendations of the appraisal mission were presented and discussed. The appraisal team then drew up a module proposal for the follow-up project, including all associated documents.

Commissioned by: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
Period: 2023