
jochen Heiterblick 2

Heiterblick-Süd: public participation for Leipzig’s new urban quarter

© Jochen Gauly bgh. Gauly & Volgmann is supporting the Leipzig City Planning Office with public participation and public relations work for the development of the new “Heiterblick-Süd” urban quarter. This includes the conception, support and moderation of the accompanying...
Mockau Zentrum

Neighborhood management INTIGRA+ Mockau [Leipzig]

Mockau is a priority area of Leipzig's integrated urban developement. Therefore, municipality and urban policy aim at increasing the sustainability and the qualities of the district Mockau. The neighborhood management Intigra+ Mockau is involved in the implementation of measures on...
Zusammenschnitt L-Gruppe Jochen Felix

Moderation of information events on construction projects of the Leipziger Gruppe

Information event on Volbedingstraße, Leipzig, 17th April 2024 bgh. Gauly & Volgmann GbR regularly moderates information events on construction projects in Leipzig on behalf of the municipal holding Leipziger Gruppe (transport companies, municipal utilities, waterworks, sports pools). The information events...

Moderation of a public information event on the new urban quarter “Heiterblick-Süd”

© Sonja Golinski bgh. Gauly & Volgmann supported the City of Leipzig in the implementation, conception and moderation of the public information event on the planned "Heiterblick-Süd" urban quarter. The event took place on January 30th 2024 at the Gustav-Hertz-Gymnasium...
Stadtraum_Fahrradstreifen 2017-02-13 (2)

Magistralenmanagement Georg-Schumann-Straße [Leipzig]

After the recognizable successes of the development along the Georg-Schumann-Straße, further support was needed in the key areas of the street’s development - such as stronger networking among local actors, creation of self-sustaining and sustainable structures, targeted development and monitoring...