In the years 2005 and 2006, bgh. participated in the development of the brochure “Better living in the city. Integrated urban development – the competence of GTZ for the Mediterranean, Europe and Central Asia” on behalf of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH.
The brochure highlights the experiences and successful projects that GTZ has implemented jointly with its partners in countries of the Mediterranean, Europe and Central Asia . In addition, the brochure highlights GTZ’s achievements, which can contribute to dealing with further development challenges in the respective regions.
In five core chapters, the publication is dedicated to various topics of urban development in the mentioned regions: Historic centers – new opportunities; Improving life in prefabs; More than a roof over their heads; Booming economies – flourishing cities; Boost efficiency, cut costs
Together with GTZ staff and partners from other offices, bgh. supported the conceptual, textual and editorial work for the development of the publication.
Commissioned by: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH
Cooperation partners: Lucian Haas, Bernd Sikora
Period: 2005-2006