Coordinating and moderating

D4UC Gruppenfoto (1) © Mario Tripodi

International learning networks for integrated urban development (D4UC)

© BMWSB/Mario Tripodi As part of the project “Dialogues for Urban Change” (D4UC), bgh. Gauly & Volgmann supports innovative peer learning formats between German municipalities and partner cities in South Africa and Ukraine. The project, commissioned by the Federal Ministry...
jochen Heiterblick 2

Heiterblick-Süd: public participation for Leipzig’s new urban quarter

© Jochen Gauly bgh. Gauly & Volgmann is supporting the Leipzig City Planning Office with public participation and public relations work for the development of the new “Heiterblick-Süd” urban quarter. This includes the conception, support and moderation of the accompanying...
WS Kultur

Digitalisation concepts of the departments – strategic support for the city administration of Leipzig

With its Digital Agenda, the City of Leipzig is pursuing a strategic and coordinated digitalisation of its administration. The implementation of this agenda is decentralised to the individual departments, offices and units, which develop and implement their own digitalisation projects...
Zusammenschnitt Serbien

Socially Just City Initiative in Serbia

First workshop In collaboration with the Institute for Urban Policy, bgh. Gauly & Volgmann supports the “Socially Just City Initiative” of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) in Serbia. The project aims to develop and test approaches from the...
Lüderitz Header_2

Review of the new GIZ project ”Integrated Urban Development in Lüderitz and Aus“ in Namibia

bgh. Gauly & Volgmann supported the GIZ's new project “Integrated urban development in Lüderitz and Aus/Namibia” as technical lead. Namibia is currently preparing the large-scale production of “green” hydrogen (H2) based on renewable energies. The government is planning new H2...
Collegial Advice Ludwigsburg (1)

6th network meeting of the South African – German P2P Learning Network (D4UC)

bgh. Gauly & Volgmann supported the preparation and implementation of the 6th network meeting of the South African-German Learning Network for Integrated and Safe Neighborhoods from 13-16.09.2024 in Ludwigsburg. 35 participants from South Africa and Germany came together to discuss...
Zusammenschnitt Jochen Felix

Participatory approaches for green infrastructure maintenance in Jordan

bgh. Gauly & Volgmann, in partnership with Rania Al Sweiti and commissioned by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, is supporting the Jordanian municipalities of Azraq, Zarqa and Greater Amman in establishing structures to maintain rehabilitated public spaces and...
Zusammenschnitt L-Gruppe Jochen Felix

Moderation of information events on construction projects of the Leipziger Gruppe

Information event on Volbedingstraße, Leipzig, 17th April 2024 bgh. Gauly & Volgmann GbR regularly moderates information events on construction projects in Leipzig on behalf of the municipal holding Leipziger Gruppe (transport companies, municipal utilities, waterworks, sports pools). The information events...

Moderation of a public information event on the new urban quarter “Heiterblick-Süd”

© Sonja Golinski bgh. Gauly & Volgmann supported the City of Leipzig in the implementation, conception and moderation of the public information event on the planned "Heiterblick-Süd" urban quarter. The event took place on January 30th 2024 at the Gustav-Hertz-Gymnasium...

Appraisal of the new project “Supporting the localization of national climate adaptation targets in Bangladesh”

Processing team at the model for climate adaption in Bangladeshi cities bgh. Gauly & Volgmann supported as Head of Mission the appraisal mission for the conceptualization of the new project "Supporting the localization of national climate adaptation target in Bangladesh."...
Bundeskongress 7

16th Federal Congress of the National Urban Development Policy

bgh. Gauly & Volgmann supported the project "Dialogues for Urban Change (D4UC)" in the implementation of two specialist events as part of the 16th Federal Congress on National Urban Development Policy in Jena. D4UC is implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft...

Review of the follow-up measure of the GIZ project “Inclusive and Sustainable Urban Development/Namibia”

bgh. Gauly & Volgmann supported the appraisal mission as technical lead for the design of the follow-up project "Inclusive and Sustainable Urban Development II". Namibia is undergoing a comprehensive and dynamic transition from a rural to an urban society. Urban...
Zusammenstellung_Melitopol und Kharkiv_neu

Integrated urban development concepts [Melitopol, Kharkiv]

Within the framework of the project "Integrated Urban Development in Ukraine II (ISU II)", Bürogemeinschaft Gauly & Volgmann (bgh.) supports the Ukrainian cities of Melitopol and Kharkiv in the elaboration of an integrated urban development concept (IUDC) on behalf of...

Two Ukrainian-German urban development conferences [Kyiv & Lviv]

In 2016 and 2017, two Ukrainian-German urban development conferences of the Ukrainian Ministry for Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Municipal Services (MinReg) and the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB) took place. Bürogemeinschaft...
Deutsch-Ukrainische Konferenz (3)

1. Ukrainisch-Deutsche Stadtentwicklungskonferenz [Kyiv]

Im Dezember 2016 wurde die erste ukrainisch-deutsche Stadtentwicklungskonferenz vom ukrainischen Ministerium für Regionalentwicklung, Bau, Wohnen und Kommunale Dienstleistungen (MinReg) und dem deutschen Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz, Bau und Reaktorsicherheit (BMUB) veranstaltet. bgh. war in der Organisation und Umsetzung der Konferenz...