Integrated urban development concept with a focus on housing for vulnerable groups [Nikopol, Ukraine]

Since 2018,  Bürogemeinschaft Gauly & Volgmann supports, in partnership with Iris Gleichmann, the Ukrainian city of Nikopol in the development of an integrated urban development concept with a focus on housing for vulnerable groups. The working group was commissioned by GIZ as part of the program „Initiativen des Infrastrukturprogramms für die Ukraine. Stärkung der sozialen Infrastruktur für die Aufnahme von Binnenflüchtlingen“ (IIPU), Initiatives of the Infrastructure Program for Ukraine. Strengthening the social infrastructure for the reception of internally displaced people (IIPU).

The following work steps are the focus during the on-site assignments:

  • Preparation of a SWOT analysis: strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats and needs for action.
  • Development of a housing potential analysis
  • Development of project profiles
  • Preparation and implementation of public participation formats
  • Preparation of an action plan

Public forum on “Integrated Urban Development in Nikopol” on January 30, 2019: