Magistralenmanagement Georg-Schumann-Straße [Leipzig]

After the recognizable successes of the development along the Georg-Schumann-Straße, further support was needed in the key areas of the street’s development – such as stronger networking among local actors, creation of self-sustaining and sustainable structures, targeted development and monitoring of projects focused on location marketing, economic empowerment and vacancy elimination.

Main topics:

  • Further development and implementation of action plans and priorities
  • Accompanying and supporting of local actors and the administration in the implementation of measures and projects in the fields of economy, urban space and transport as well as culture and social affairs
  • Moderation and  mediation between the various stakeholder and interest groups
  • Supporting the City of Leipzig in identifying and integrating complementary counseling services and funding programs
  • Operation of the information center Georg-Schumann-Straße

Additional information:

Commissioned by: City of Leipzig, Office of Urban Renewal and Residential Construction Subsidies (ASW)
Cooperation partner: Freie Wirtschaftsförderung Frank Basten
Period: April 2013-May 2017