Concept study Coopstadt [Leipzig]

The project “koopstadt – Stadtentwicklung Bremen Leipzig Nürnberg”Coopstadt – urban development Bremen, Leipzig, Nuremberg” is based on the cooperation between three cities, Leipzig, Bremen and Nuremberg. They came together to elaborate innovative solutions for topics of urban development between 2008 and 2015 and to implement concrete projects during this period of time. Economic innovation and creative milieus, quality of urban life and regional cooperation were of special importance.

The project was funded by the “National Urban Development Policy”  of the Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Development (BMVBS). Until the end of 2008, a concept study with key projects, that required specific funding, was being development. bgh. worked with his two cooperation partners to realize the city-specific service package. Thematic priorities:

  • Processing or concretization of key projects
  • Participation in multi-city services
  • Development of an organizational structure
  • Documentation and presentation

Commissioned by: City of Leipzig, city planning office
Cooperation partners: urban management systems (u.m.s.) GmbH and UrbanPlan GmbH
Period: 2008